Well it's the last day of 2007! Which means that it's time for a long ass reflection. Oh yeah baby.
This year wasn't particularly good or particularly bad. School was as shitty as usual, and it's the first year that I haven't rode on a regular basis since Primary 4. [[I'm feeling particularly emo about the whole riding thing cos of Hermes and the Cocoa/Aaron editorial in August Men. *sigh*]]
I've made some new friends, and also lost contact with some of them along the course of the year. But more importantly, I've realised who my real friends are, and who are the ones who have treated me as their friend of convenience. My real friends are the people who make me laugh, who will listen to me bitch about stupid things and fangirl over various random things [[and bear with me when I discover something groundbreakin'z~ and go around telling everyone my amazing discovery, such as the fact that Ryan and Jeremy look alike from the side]], and who I'd trust with my life. So, here goes.
Bernice, you've been a wonderful sister, and a better best friend. How long does it take for other people to make best friends with their sisters? Probably not until their 20-ies. I'm super glad that we haven't waited till then, because I couldn't imagine going through this year without having you to laugh with, and sometimes, laugh at. But you know I do it in fun! :) I love you! [[P.S. I totally expect that 6'1" and 180lbs present next year, okay? ;)]]
Jing! Thank you for being the most wonderful best friend ever! I know we weren't in very close contact in the middle of the year, and that HAS to change for next year. You're too awesome not to keep close. ♥ I love you!
Debbie! Thanks for letting me and Jing invade your house for our Purplehood sleepovers and letting us finish the whole packet of Famous Amos! You're a super best friend, and I love you! And yes, caramel frapps are totally worth those 700 calories! :D
Sherilyn! We haven't kept in close contact but you still remembered my birthday, and you were the only one kewl~*~ enough to go to the LP concert with me, so thank you so much for that! :)
Christal! How long have I sat next to you during Chinese Lit and when did we start talking? Way too late! You're a super friend and you're amusing and you're a fantastic artist! You'll do fab in IP, and thanks for flodding my tagboard when no one else tags! ILY BB! [[P.S. Lars is still hot, and he does not look gay. :P I'm sure you're going to remember this for at least the next few months though! It's on your yellow file, is it not? :)]]
Cleo! My fellow taitai! :) Remember my butlers [[Ivan, blond! X2]] when you set up that butler agency, y/y? You've been awesomely fun to sit next to during Chinese Lit, even if you are sleeping or practising your German half the time!
Benita! My fellow footie [[but sadly not Arsenal]] fan! Thanks for allowing me to annoy you like hell during the exam period when we were sitting next to each other! The best of luck in IP!
Bianca! HEY! Thanks for being there for me the whole school year and allowing me to rant on and on and on about my football and my model darling and my music and everything else. You're an awesome friend, and the best of luck to you and your pairings! ;)
Joan! The newest addition to my list! Thank you SO much for letting me bitch about SJ to you online! I honestly don't know what would've happened to me if I had to live on the "camp will be fun... for the instructors" thing without screaming about how worried I was to you! And yes, Aaron and Leandro are a new species. How could they NOT be? It would be so unfair to the rest of the normal people, no? ;)
Nadirah! My fellow Gooner, male model lover, and sekkrit crush person! ♥ You've been so awesome and easy to talk to, and I can't begin to thank you enough for that. What topics haven't we covered in our conversations? Right now, I can't think of anything! Our kingdom is made up of so much awesome, sirusly. Oh yeah, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for smsing me the score of the Arsenal v Newcastle game when I was overseas! You're made up of so much awesome, and ILY BB~~! [[P.S. Our kewl~ talk is sho kewlz~!!! ;)]]
I've also changed quite a bit this year. I've nurtured some new interests and lost some through the year, but one thing that's been consistent is Arsenal. No matter what happens in real life, or what hand I've been dealt, I know that there's always something sane in my life. And no matter what shitty things I've been put through, a win always puts a stupid smile on my face. :)
Football also provides one and a half hours of distraction. When I'm watching football, nothing else matters. I'm so consumed by the anger and the joy and the exhilaration of our gorgeous [[but admittedly, sometimes frustrating]] football, and yes, losing hurts, but that's what makes all those "1-0 to the Arsenal!" times so much sweeter, no?
I've also found some new music to listen to, while moving away from others. I was a huge Linkin Park fan in P6, but I rarely listen to them nowadays. I think the last time I heard a Linkin Park song was during their concert. :/ I guess I've grown up and moved on. I know back when I was a fan I thought that nothing could make me lose my interest in LP, but I suppose I was wrong.
In some ways, I suppose NIN and Rammstein have replaced LP for me, although I've gone off Rammstein a bit, but whatever. I don't fangirl over Trent like I do Mike [[seriously, Trent's ancient. I think he's the same age as my mom. Which is Wrong. With a capital "W".]], but I've gone a bit crazy buying albums and DVDs. I'm still missing Beside You In Time though... A late Christmas present, anyone? :)
I was also a bigger fan of rap last year than I am now. That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it, I just kind of stopped listening to rap on a regular basis. I think I used to listen to Eminem and Kanye everyday or something. *laughs* Saul William is kind of bringing back the rap obsession, but even so, I don't listen to him everyday.
I've expanded my horizons since last year, actually. I now listen to Spanish guitar, bossa nova, rock, pop, hip hop, and basically every genre of music you can think of. I draw the line at Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and those other pseudo-emo-rock group thingies. The only reason that I've left out Rihanna and her counterparts is because I can always spot a Louboutin or three in their videos. :X
Which leads me to the next point -- I've gotten into fashion. Last year I thought DCs were the coolest shoes ever, now I've expanded that last to include Louboutins. ;) And I now think that Valentino makes the most amazing dresses ever *cue everyone going, "DUH!"*, and Hermes is the most perfect designer label ever, and YSL makes my heart pound that little bit faster. Let's not forget Chanel and Kate Spade, yeah? :) Oh yeah, and I've started buying/wearing perfume. Whoo hoo.
And not to mention the little Starbucks obsession I've managed to cultivate this holiday. *coughs*
Some major things also happened this year.
1) Going into 2L. It's the first time I've been in a class with all the other smarties, and it seriously is a big difference from being in a normal class. You push yourself to do just as well as the geniuses disguised as your classmates, and you hand in all your assignments on time. It's been stressful, but I wouldn't trade it in for the world.
2) Understanding the meaning of loyalty. Loyalty is standing by your team through a hellish 11 day peroid where they get kicked out from all 4 competitions, and continuting to watch your team play even though they have nothing to play for, and cheering them on just because they're your team. So thank you Arsenal, for teaching me what true loyalty is.
3) The departure of a certain Thierry Henry. It hurt. I never believed for one second that he'd leave, and it was painful when he did, and I was angry for a bit. It wasn't easy for everyone invovled, but we've moved on, and so has he. I know Thierry will always be a Gooner though. ILY Thierry. ♥
4) Realising the media is just a bunch of stupid, mindless cunts. I remember that they were writing us off before the season started, saying that we'd have a hard time breaking into the Top 4, much less challenge for the title, and that this season Sp*rs would finally finish above us, thanks to the disgusting amount of money they paid for useless cunts, such as Darren Bent. Fast forward to the 20th game of the season, and what do you get? Arsenal sitting pretty at the top of the table with 2 point lead over our nearest rivals, ManUtd. Just goes to show you that they don't know shit, and that we have to trust Arsene, because
Arsene knows.
5) Fashion. And realising that the real reason for studying so hard is to get a good paying job so I can spend millions of dollars at Hermes, like a certain Mrs Beckham.
6) Cherating. It was an awesome trip, the people we met were fantastic, and the people we went with were even MORE wonderful. I swear Duane is the most adorable kid ever, even if he insists on playing "let's-be-boxers" with his brothers on a regular basis.
7) Buying my first designer perfume. Ah, Hermes's Eau des Merveilles édition limitée Pégase. Beautiful. I'm still in love with the smell. ♥ I think it's the start of an obsession with perfumes. :/ Which is really kind of bad, because they're expensive, and I'll never finish them at this rate. D:
8) Choosing my subject combination. I wanted C1a, then B2, then C1a, and then went with B2 in the end. I ended up in tears because I wanted C1a and my dad was being unreasonable and forced me to take B2, then retracted that and told me I could take whatever I wanted, then I was so confused and angry cos I was already prepared to take B2, and I wanted to give up and let someone else choose for me. *sigh* I did go with B2 in the end, but I don't know how that'll work out. Hopefully for the better.
9) Heroes. I only picked it up because I was too bored and I needed something to amuse myself with during all those boring nights watching Paris, Je t'aime or Shakespeare In Love for the millionth time. I'm SO glad I did. :)
So yes, I've changed, I've lost some friends, I've gained some, and some things happened this year. I'm ready to leave this year behind. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it was tear inducing, and sometimes I wanted to scream in frustration at the TV at the way we were playing [[but only held back because it was 3A.M. and I don't think anyone would've appreciated that]], but I'm looking forward to what the new year will bring. Hopefully it'll be new friends, an exciting learning experience where I'll look forward to going to school [[yeah right!]], and a nice shiny trophy or four for our trophy cabinet. :) Oh yeah, and while I'm at it, let's throw in a Chanel 2.55 reissue in white, and a croc Birkin. No harm in starting early, y/n?
And a meme!
1. What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?Watch Queer As Folk and Heroes; go into Hermes [[!!!!!!!]]; stay up till 4A.M.; wake up after noon, and lots more I can't remember.
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?Yes, I didn't eat McDonald's for the whole year. Hmm, probably. We'll see.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?Yeah, my aunt.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What countries did you visit?
Malaysia. Haha yes, very loserish.
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?Money, and a nice 2 month long vacation. Fuck commitments.
7. What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?I don't remember any now, so I guess none.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?Getting into triple science. Which is saying something, because I don't even give a shit about that.
9. What was your biggest failure?Not daring to speak my mind when I should have.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?Yeah, I was sick a few times, and my toe was infected! Super cool.
11. What was the best thing you bought?I dunno, my perfumes? It's not much, but it's the start of an obsession.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?Nobody's.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?Nobody's. I don't care what they do, to be honest, unless it affects me.
14. Where did most of your money go?Dunno, everything? I don't remember anymore.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?Cherating, beating Chelsea [[oh yeah baby!]], that orange Chanel bag from the Cruise collection, Hermes, male models, and Arsenal. :)
16. What song will always remind you of 2007?Nothing. I don't associate times with songs.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:Happier/sadder? Happier
Fatter/thinner? Thinner
Richer/poorer? Same
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?Going out on holiday
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?Whining, and going back to school during the holidays
20. How did you spend Christmas?I watched Heroes, ate pizza, and slept.
22. Did you fall in love in 2007?Nope.
23. How many one-night stands?None.
24. What were your favorite TV programs?Heroes, Prison Break, Queer As Folk
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?Yeah. But it's not so much hate, it's more of a strong dislike. I don't think she knows, and I'm not about to backstab her on the internet.
26. What was the best book you read?
Oh god. This is hard. I think Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, just because it marks the end of a series that I grew up with.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
It's a toss up between NIN and Rammstein, but I got into NIN last year, so I guess Rammstein then?
28. What did you want and get?
Loads of things. Practically everything material [[although I am waiting for the Rebel XTi and the V8 Luxury, and that Chanel bag]], and almost everything else. I'm a lucky girl, I truly am.
28. What did you want and didn't get?Rebel XTi and V8 Luxury.
30. What was your favorite film of this year?STARDUST STARDUST STARDUST!!!!!!! OH MY GOD THAT MOVIE IS GENIUS. I love it so much! I'm going to get the DVD when it comes out, but I don't think that can compare with watching it in the cinemas.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I ate at Oosters and went shopping at Vivo, and bought my Zara flats! I also had a cake and opened my presents. :) I turned 14.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?Having more money to go on that trip to Switzerland while being able to spend some of it on the material stuff.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?Dunno. T-shirt and jeans?
34. What kept you sane?
Arsenal, Starbucks, and my friends.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?Lars Burmeister! Okay he's not a celebrity, but he counts as a public figure, yes? I mean, he's on the Acqua Di Gio ad, and I'm sure TONS of people have seen it.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?I don't bother with politics. It's bullshit.
37. Who did you miss?Robin van Persie. [[Which also tells you that I had everyone I love around me, thank goodness.]]
38. Who was the best new person you met?Dunno. Christal, Cleo, Benita, Nick and Clayton are all pretty awesome.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:Don't take yourself and your life too seriously. If you do, it'll just fuck you over and over and over again.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:I can't think of any, and I doubt any lyric will be able to sum up my year. I've written a mammoth above, so go look at that instead, kthnx.
I don't think I'll be posting at midnight, because I should be asleep, so HAVE A GOOD NEW YEAR'S EVE/NEW YEAR PEOPLE! I love you all!