Robert Buckley

Can you say gorgeous? I love him without a shirt. X.X
Bonus: his sense of humour! Good-looking and smart C: Which is amazingly refreshing because I have sadly come to accept the fact that most beautiful people aren't the smartest and most smart people aren't very beautiful. Like Casey Taylor, who "want(s) to be a famous rapper". D: Obviously there are exceptions, like Wentworth Miller, who is gorgeous, sings, acts and is Ivy League smart. However, the majority of people hover around average, for example, me.
Matthew Rhys

He is so ridiculously attractive here. X.X Actually that's kinda wrong, because (I'm assuming, because I haven't watched Sorted) this is the morning after he got drugged and subsequently raped by a woman, but damn. (drools) And I don't even find him good-looking the majority of the time. X.X

I love his expressions, Kevin FTW! I don't really like his American accent though, the Welsh-ness seeps through sometimes. I think the only actor who can do a good American accent is Hugh Laurie. Besides, Welsh accents are so much sexier.
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