Just realised that the MTV Movie Awards took place today when I got to school. Can't find it on TV though. ): MTV Singapore: please play the awards so that I can admire Chris Fine and ZQ. What I can't understand is why they didn't present an award together. Star Trek PR people, what are you doing? I don't even know who he presented with. Anna Faris, whut?

As far as I know, they're not even professionally related. And ZQ > random blond "actress". A hundred billion times. At least ZQ wasn't wearing some ugly ass garbage bag trying to pass off as a dress.


The jacket is meh-ish but it is still much better than ... that.
However, it is widely know that the MTV awards are, on the whole, a load of fuckery. Case in point: Zac Efron in HSM3 beat out CHRISTIAN BALE IN TDK for Best Male Performance. Does not compute. ):
Looking on the bright side though, apparently Audrina Patridge said that she was single (according to someone on ontd_startrek, which is
the most awesome LJ community, by the way)! THERE IS A HIGHER POWER.
I know this is being sucked into the black hole that is Perez Hilton or whatever but him trying to force celebrities out of the closet is incredibly infuriating.

He makes me lose faith in humanity. What does it matter either way? To be honest I'm more concerned that Chris Pine was linked to Audrina Patridge. But anyway, ZQ is fab. End of story.