BUT I HAVE TO SAY THIS: THE DARK KNIGHT WAS SO GOOD (the second time around, haha). I was quite distracted by sqeauling over Christian, but I could appreciate the fantastic movie making and the performances of the actors better this time. Christian didn't make such of an impact on me the first viewing, but I realise that he was actually really really good, which makes me wonder why I didn't notice his performance before. I think it's because Heath was so compelling as The Joker and his performance was so good that it overshadowed everyone else's that it's quite hard to notice the rest of the cast the first time round (or maybe my brain is just quite small, haha).
Even Harvey Dent didn't annoy me as much as he did in the first viewing! But I still think he's ugly. And it's not because of the cleft 'cos Panayiotis has one and he's gorgeous!
ANYWAYS. THE LAMBORGHINI! AND CHRISTIAN! AND CHRISTIAN IN AN ARMANI SUIT DRIVING THE MOST GORGEOUS CAR EVER! X.X And when he came out of the car after the collision (oh, the poor car! My heart just broke into a million pieces D:) his hair was so floppy and sexy. :D And the, "Were you trying to save this man?" (or something to that effect) responsed with "Why? Who was in there?" was freaking awesome. AWWW BRUCE THE BILLIONAIRE PLAYBOY MAN FTW :D Serious!Bruce and Batman are fantastic too though C:
The Joker was so awesomely awesome. His performance was more impressive the first time round, but the level of detail that Heath put into creating his Joker was astounding. The voice, the flick of the tongue and the performance was completely consuming. AND I LOVE THE "WHY SO SERIOUS?" LINE. AND THE PENCIL SCENE. AND THE HOSPITAL SCENE. So many good scenes, ergh! (I swear I was like, "I LOVE THIS SCENE, IT'S AWESOME" AT NEARLY EVERY SINGLE FREAKING SCENE HAHAHAHAHA) Heath for the Oscar for the Best Supporting Actor!
Gordon's little boy is so adorable! "Did Batman save you?" AWWWW SO CUTE. I think Batman's wings are amazingly weird, and I don't understand how they can work. Don't they actually have to beat to keep Batman in the air? IDK~
Anyways, pictures!
I love him in that crisp white shirt, so sexy!
It is an amazing testament to this man's face that I hardly even notice the shirts.
Does that say "(something) gives no Bat-nipple"?
He wears suits so well X.X
HAI ALFRED! I love Alfred! "Well, I bloody well told you so!" So awesome, kthnx. Alfred FTW.
He reminds me of William Fitchner here D: But hotter. Definitely hotter.
I'm not such a big fan of the beard but he's still hot!
Okay I better go and sleep now or I might walk into a wall tomorrow morning or something.