Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's really sad if you can't write English properly, and even after someone points it out, you say don't care about it because you don't think that it's your job to write English well.

If you're doing something, you might as well do it properly. Why leave something half-assed? It just doesn't make sense to me.

The IPW project this year is some conference thing and our class got Italy and my group's doing technology. I'm going to research on Lamborghini and Ferrari and insist that they contribute a lot to society. What would life be if we couldn't drive at 300km/h and put our lives at risk? One of my very awesome ideas is to draw out my own garage [[with the cars inside, of course]], and point out how many cars are Italian. But because I am not allowed to drive and probably would have a difficult time getting a hold on all of the cars that I lust for, it probably wouldn't be the best representative of how ausum~ the Lamborghinis/Ferrarris are.

I read this really good idea somewhere about how we should start a habit of writing something that made us laugh down somewhere. I don't know if I would rather do it here or in a notebook, but here's today's:

Bernice: I don't even want to be in the same country as you!

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