Friday, November 30, 2007


OMG SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! Purplehooders rock! \m/

I went to Debbie's at about 3, then we started watching Heroes. Heroes is awesome! HIRO NAKAMURA IS THE MOST AWESOME CHARACTER IN HEROES!!!!!!!!!! :D Actually we spent a lot of time watching Heroes, hahaha.

We also used the com for a bit though, and I forgot how crazy the angry German kid was, haha. I think the first time I saw that was because someone linked it as "Jens Lehmann as a kid". Hahaha evil peoples!

Watching Heroes is very interesting. Jing has a major crush on Thomas Dekker, the actor who plays Zach. We must've watched Homecoming like 3 times. She also thinks that Mohindy is super cool. Yay for stupid nicknames! And Debbie and Jing think that Sendhil Ramamurthy is about the most gorgeous Indian man they've seen. I agree, haha.

I fell asleep at 11 while watching Heroes. >.< I obviously can't run on like 6 hours of sleep. Darn it. So I took coffee. Kinda stupid, in retrospect. After Heroes, we talked until 3.30 before we slept, kinda early because Debbie fell asleep much earlier and Jing had to wake up early, but I still didn't feel sleepy then.

I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, but the next thing I know, it's 7.30 in the morning. -.- I didn't even have any recollection of falling asleep, or trying to. Weird, huh? I guess caffeine just make me think that I'm not sleepy, but I actually am. Whoooo I smrateth. :D

We had scrambled eggs and chicken pie for breakfast, yummyness. I love chicken pie! Especially the one from Delifrance. It's my new favourite. It's awesomely awesome! I also like the special pie from Polar. It's super duper uberly yummy!!!!!! Oh great now I have a craving for chicken pie.

After that we watched Heroes again, then Jing left. D: Then me and Debbos tried to find The Matrix, but it was nowhere to be found! So we decided to find other stuff to watch. We took Full Metal Jacket and The Crow. FMJ is actually kinda funny, in a twisted sort of way. I say twisted because if I were a maggot, I'd probably do a Pyle.

Okay, first off, HOW COOL OF A NAME IS DRAVEN???? I AM SO NAMING MY FIRST BORN SON THAT! :DD Anyways. The movie was really really really good. A bit gory, and I could've lived my life happily without seeing a naked butt, but it's still really good. There's a bit of everything -- romance, gore, action, drama. I though Eric's and Shelly's relationship was beautiful, in the small shots that we were showed. And how sexy is Brandon Lee's voice?

And some photos!

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Me and Debbos! :D

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And this is Nathan the bumblebee. :D Me and Jing named him! We had this theory that Debbie was dreaming about Nathan Petrelli because she was so happy when she woke up, so we named him Nathan. :D Jing named the doggie Thomas, and I named the hamster Mathias. Notice how they're all boys, haha?

It was super duper fun and I'd do it a million times over. :) I LOVE MY PURPLEHOODERS! ♥

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