Not many happy things have happened recently [[except for Arsenal winning Newcastle 3-0 which I didn't watch on the account of not being able to find it on the TV guide and being drop dead tired because I arrived home at 11.30P.M. D:]], so I won't mention them in this post. But anyways, a picture says a thousand words, so here are 100. :D 100 picutres for the 100th post, y/n? Hahah I kid, everyone's internet would die.
Centre partings look good on some people. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
LOVE the suit. I wish I had a boyfriend just so I could force him to wear that.
Vincent the skateboarder! :D
YAY Jeremy looks cute with fringe.
These gorgeous dresses are OBVIOUSLY by Valentino, and they're from his very last couture show. *sniffles* I'll post the whole show the next post. ;) Along with JPG's and Lacroix's.
Okay that's it. This will be untagged because the first person to be able to name all the guys in the correct order will be bestowed the title of "Ruler of the World". If you can name the girls you you'll the "ruler of the ruler of the world."
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