I remember the last time we went for lunch my cousin Nicholas asked my grandma for tips on how to get the bruise on the finger better [[it was all black and disgusting and he couldn't bend it D:]], and my grandma gave him directions on how to use an egg and she said take out the egg yolk and then he was like, "Uh, how do you take the egg yolk out of the egg and let it still keep it's shape?" o.o It doesn't sound very funny typed out but it was, I swear! It went on for a few minutes and everyone chimed in with their genius ideas of how to take the egg yolk out. I really do love my family. :D
And talking about awesome family members, I was on mikeshinoda.com looking at the pictures and there was this picture of Chester's legs [[obvious because you could see the Hybrid Theory Soldier tattoo]], and this is what me and my sister said:
Belinda: Oh yeah sure, I take pictures of my friends' legs too.
Bernice: Maybe it's his leg then he ask people to take leh?
Hahahahahaha my sister is an adorable retard sometimes. ♥
And my other sister was playing with the remote control and somehow she got it stuck ON HER LIP! Hahahahahahahahahahahahah *dies laughing* My family is too awesome sometimes. :D We literally almost died laughing. :D
And speaking of awesome family members, we had this survey in school about our family and school lives, and they asked us stuff like "how much do you parents earn a month?" Okay, first off, why in the world would I know how much my parents earn? Second, if I knew, why the hell would I tell you anyways? Maybe it's the way I was brought up thinking that how much you earn is a private matter, but I find that question too invasive.
I'll put up with the "what time does you father go/come home from work?" and the "do you like your family?" [[No, I don't like them. I LOVE them. They're some of the most awesome people I know. I mean, how many fathers do you know that will say "Wah lao this guy so gay I can't stand him" about Zac Efron? At this point I should probably make it clear that it's not funny to me because my dad called Zac Efron gay, but because he dislikes Zac Efron too. Good taste obviously runs in families.]] questions, but the pay thing really pissed me off. They also asked for our allowance. Uh. Same thing. WHY should I tell you? There is absolutely no need for you to know that.
They also have like "Do you think the allowance you get is enough for your personal expenses?" questions. Well duh, no. $25 a week won't get me Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel, even if I don't eat. But if you think about it, it's actually a good idea. If I don't eat to save up for that $3000 dress, I'll look BETTER in the dress. Hmm...
But anyways. School is still sucky, and I MISS CHRISTAL AND ALL THE OTHER IP PEOPLE SO MUCH. D: Gahhh I saw Christal at the CCA fair today, but we didn't have enough time to catch up. We so need to meet up fer realz~*~ one day, kk bb? :) The people around me right now are SUPER boring. Like majorly major boring. Sometimes I hate being in the smarty classes. No one's ever spontaneously fun or like "I like cheese" out of the blue or dirty minded and they don't gossip about guys. *sigh*
Why aren't there people who are gooners and like fashion/male models around me in real life? ): Except for my sister, of course. But that's thanks to my geniusity. Is that even a word? Ah well.
I can't wait for the Burnley v Arsenal match. Burnley is a lower league opponent, but sometimes those are the nicest to watch. They always give their all and it's so much more heart warming and interesting to watch, than say, a Liverpool match. We're sending out a practically second string team, but we should still be able to cope with what they can throw at us [[think back to Blackburn!]], and I don't see why we can't win it.
It is so weird to see Beckham in an Arsenal training kit. Sirusly~. x.x And Cesc being such a fanboy! Haha. I saw one picture being captitioned "Fabregas jumps for joy at Arsenal's newest arrival". Tsk even they pick up on it. ;)
Anyways, here are some random quotes and pictures.
We do what we must, and call it by the best names.
"'Well,' said Pooh, 'what I like best--,' and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called."
The hard part when writing a narrative of someone's life is choosing from the abundance of details and microevents, all of them equally significant, or equally insignificant. If one elects to only select the important events: the births, the deaths, the loves, the humiliations, the uprisings, the ends and the beginnings, one denies the real substance of life: the ephemera, the nethermoments, much too small to be recorded (the train pulling into the station where there is nobody; a spider sliding down an invisible rope and landing on the floor just in time to be stepped on; a pigeon looking straight into your eyes; a tender hiccup of the person in front of you in line for bread; an unintelligible word muttered by a one-night stand, sleeping naked and nameless next to you). But you cannot simply list all the moments when the world tickles your senses only to seep away between your fingers and eyelashes, leaving you alone to tell the story of your life to an audience interested only in the fireworks of universal experiences, the roller coaster rides of sympathy and judgment.
There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.
I was happy but happy is an adult word. You don't have to ask a child about happy, you see it. They are or they are not. Adults talk about being happy because largely they are not. Talking about it is the same as trying to catch the wind. Much easier to let it blow all over you. This is where I disagree with the philosophers. They talk about passionate things but there is no passion in them. Never talk happiness with a philosopher.
"Love," Estelle said, "real love, is when you realize that you're in a race to see which of you is going to die first. And the worst thing in the world is when you lose."
I could write a book about this young man who was the gentlest and the holiest man I ever met, who had never offended anybody and never taken anything from anybody, but who had made the cardinal mistake of coming to America to spread peace and love.
Basil, my dear boy, puts everything that is charming in him into his work. The consequence is that he has nothing left for life but his prejudices, his principles, and his common sense. The only artists I have ever known who are personally delightful are bad artists. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior poets are absolutely fascinating. The worse the rhymes are, the most picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realize.
Those lips. x.x Kill me ded~ now, kthnx.
I'm beginning to realise that the numbers on the hit counter actually mean something and that 99% of the people who visit my blog actually know me in real life, and will go "WAH she always posts pictures of male models leh" when the topic of my blog is brought up in real life.
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