Alexander Mcqueen, FW08, Milan
Okay I love Mcqueen, but what the hell? o.o Poor Ryan.
Etro, FW08, Milan
LARS! :D *is a happy fangirl*
Purple isn't really his colour, don't you think?
I love it when the boys smile, don't you? :D
Gucci, FW08, Milan
Not really a big fan of Mathias in eyeliner, but w/e~.
I actually really really really like this. Minus the makeup.
D&G, FW08, Milan
Overload of tartan much? But the boys look gorgeous. :D
Dolce and Gabbana, FW08, Milan
Jesper looks good, y/n? :D
Roberto Cavalli, FW08, Milan
Moschino FW08, Milan
Jesper looks good! :X And that's saying something 'cos I usually prefer his brother.
Alessandro Dell'Acqua, FW08, Milan
Random runway shots, either because they were so pretty or because I forgot which show they came from. :X Some are not from FW08.
So much gorgeous. x.x I just recently discovered that I have something major for men in glasses.
New Gap ads!
JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!! He reminds me of someone sometimes... I just can't place my finger on who.
I think he's good looking, but I don't see what's so special about him. D: Bernice is VERY jealous of him though, lolololololollll~.
There was this debate in school about whether mass media is the new religion of the people, and I was hoping that they would bring out their views on mass media being a negative influence on body image to young people and thus causing anorexia. But they didn't, which was sad. I was telling Jing about it and she told me that she thought models were morons. And I read something in the newspaper about the model person who's marrying the French president, and how everyone though models were idiots.
I don't get it, seriously. Why are they morons? They're doing something honest for a living, and it's a profession, just as teaching is a profession. I was talking about it with Bernice and we came to the conclusion that these people are jealous because modelling is relatively brainless compared to something like a chemist, and that models are tall and thin and gorgeous and they get to wear prototypes of designer clothes.
I mean, it has to be for those reasons, right? What other reasons could one have for hating models? But if you hate models for reasons other than what I've stated, please feel free to tag and tell me why you hate them. And tag if you agree with me! And uh, tag too if you love models but for another reason! Well basically what I'm saying is TAG, KK? ILY BBZ~.
Anyways, despite school being desperately boring, I guess I should talk about it after all, because I know I'll read this in some years' time and be like, "WOW! SCHOOL WAS AUSUM~*~!" [[*cough* referrence to Z for Zachariah *cough*]]. This week is totally free, no tests, nada, but we have FOUR next week [[Biology, Math, Chemistry and ting xie]], and TWO the week after [[History and E.Lit]]. WTFFFFFFF ASSHOLES WHY CAN'T YOU PUT MATH THIS WEEK? D:
But it's comforting to note that I've made it through worse weeks and I'm still here typing this, so I guess I'll make it through next week too. :) Math is pretty easy, Bio is just memorisation [[which is a piece of cake to me now, seeing as I devoured my entire Geog textbook last year]], and Chemistry is just making sense of the heating and cooling curve, because 3/4 the stuff was done last year. :D Should be okay, y/n?
However, I did get back my English diagnostic test and what the fuck, I JUST passed? D: Thank fuck they're not putting it in PPR, or I'll DIE. I tell you, DIEEEEEEEE. And I also barely passed for History source based. Great. There better be a History test and I better do well in it, or else I'm fucked. F-U-C-K-E-D.
[[I realise I just the word fuck just as often as I use the word super. Hur hur. I know people who are like, "OMG THE F WORD!", but w/e~. I wonder how I got to the "ah well fuck is just another word in the dictionary, like awesome" point. I mean, I wasn't such a cussy kid when I was younger. Okay I kid, I was probably just as cussy in primary school. I should do a whole reflection on it. Maybe one day when I'm more free.]]
I have POC on the 26th as well. As far as I've gathered, there'll be a parade, prize giving, a dinner, and some sort of sitting down and listening to shit thing? The dress code is some love love thing and we can wear jeans? Uhhh... awesome! I'm most bothered by the fact that we'll be there until "10 or 11" and that we'll be playing either Stoke or Newcastle on that day too.
My class is okay, everyone's nice, no assholes, but they're not very bonded. We're still with our last year friends and shiz, and since most of them come from Justice... But w/e~. Jing and Debbie are still amusing and funny.
Belinda: If the dress code says "light dresses", let's wear black tuxedos!
Jing and Debbie: SURE!
Belinda: Ehh by that I mean the YSL ones...
Jing: Okay, you sponsor them!
But it's a genius idea, y/n? I was reading this piece on cocktail dresses v tuxedos and there was a very good point made about tuxedos and how you had to have character to pull off one. :D And my sister agrees that a YSL tuxedo would be AWESOME to wear to prom.
But to be perfectly honest, I'm not a big fan of the look. I just don't like adhereing to dress codes. :X I'd much rather wear this:
Minus the head scarf thing, of course.
Or this:
This is more my kind of look though:
And this is just adorable. :D
Guess I don't have enough "character" to be a tux wearer then.
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