Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm not even going to type the name of the team we lost to, it's too disgusting

[[If this post is a bit sad, it's because it happens to be my 99th post, so I'm getting everything unhappy out in this one. The next one is going to joyful and fun filled and it's going to be CRAZY filled with pictures, and it's going to be awesome. :)]]



I didn't watch the match [[thank god for school; probably the first and last time you'll hear me say that]], but I NEVER expected this to happen. Not this way. In my mind it would be a fluke defelected goal and we actually scored like 3 but the linesman didn't give it cos they bought him over. ):

I actually believed that. It sounds stupid, but unless you're a gooner, you won't understand it. And I wanted it so desperately to be 10 unbeaten years. If it couldn't be forever, 10 would've been good. *sigh*

I don't care very much about the Carling Cup [[got bigger fish to fry, namely in the form of AC Milan, ManUtd and Chelsea]], but this is totally unacceptable. I usually don't like that our school is very unfootbally, but for once, I'm so glad.

You're probably wondering why I'm not flying off the handle with anger now. I did, for maybe 1 minute after I found out the score, then went on MSN [[at 6.30A.M., mind you]], and saw Haley's personal message -- "post apocalyptic shock: Arsenal and Heath Ledger dead". It was too early, so I thought she meant "dead" as in.. not a real death, but something like "omg movie".
So I went on the perezhilton, and fuck. ): He was so young. Much too young to go. I'm not the biggest fan of his, but I did enjoy his work, especially in Brokeback Mountain [[which was also the first move I saw him in]], and I was really looking foward to him playing Joker in the Batman sequel.

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger
4th of April, 1979 - 22nd of January, 2008
"Those whom the gods love die young"

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