It was, and probably will be the easiest match for Almunia and our hearts this season. Excluding Derby, of course. Which is kind of sad, because I like Derby. Not in the way I love Arsenal, of course, but I don't want to see them go down. Can't Sp*rs take their place? :) If not Sp*rs, why not ManUtd? Or Chelsea? I'm pretty flexible. :D
It was very comfortable for us at the back, and the scoreline was not flattering for us. I thought Ade played really well today, and Aleks still amazes me with how he can dance pass 4 defenders [[I remember him making two of them fall down in one swift movement too, lolololololololollll]] with the ball.
Clichy was amazing, yet again, and his crosses have improved. I'm still adamant that Robin takes the nicest corner kicks in our team though, and I'm sure everyone would agree with me, if they could actually remember who he is. >:( And how that relates to Clichy's crosses, I have no idea, but I just felt like saying that. Hah!
And Phil was outstanding yesterday. I'm not talking about his performance [[but he was solid!]], but the fact that he remained on the pitch even though blood was streaming out of his nose. I was really grossed out by that, actually. *shudders* Guess I can't be a medic then, harhar.
We should play like that every game. Of course, not every team will give us as much space, but there's no reason why we shouldn't try, y/n?
Random runway shots, and no, not all of them are from FW08
Yes, because everyone needs a brown metallic suit!
I know I posted these before, but these are HQ! At least, they were before Photobucket resized them.
Not so sure about the goatee, what do you think?
I think I like Jeremy like this. :D
Prettiest eyes ever. x.x And it's saying something that I'm not even commenting on the half opened mouth, because I usually hate that on models. Yes, I think Adriana Lima looks stupid with her half opened mouth, sue me.
[["No apologies/Nah suckers I'm not sorry/Y'all can all sue me" ~~~ Emmyemmy is ausum, lololololololololollll. Haha that was really random, but w/e, I was listening to it yesterday, and yay for Eminem!]]
No one looks good in tartan! No one! So maybe Andrew isn't human after all, but instead is of a species known simply as "model".
*iz ded~* But indulge in me being a crazy stalker person for a while. The book is about a guy's expedition on Mount Everest? Right... But I guess no one can have it all, it just wouldn't be fair to us normal people. And looking on the bright side, he can actually read! I mean, I didn't doubt that, but most people do, so yeah. [[I just know some genius person will be like "He's juz posing lah, that's wad models do, lol".]]
I am the ONLY person who does not look decent in a beret. D: French people and artists are excused, because they are respectively French and artists, but Lars is a German model! ): Which is really sad, cos I wanna wear a cool red beret and pretend to live in France, lolololololololollll~.
I'm not sure I like his hair here [[looks a bit like Aleks' hair, all wispy and thin]], but Lars! ♥
We were at the Drama Studio for some talk thing last Wednesday, and this was the conversation that went on between me and Yi Ling after she and Kuan Fei looked through my very pretty and picture filled diary:
Yi Ling: So you like goodlooking guys?
Belinda: Uh, why would I like ugly guys?
Yi Ling: So do you specifically go for models or do you like good looking guys in general?
Belinda: Uh....
But 3 Grace is nice. :D I like Miss Jaya and the trainee Lit teacher is cool. :D Alex Teoh says cool stuff though. "Don't write bad stuff on your blogspots." I think he would be proud if he reads this post [[and to be honest, 95% of my blog. I think the only angry ones I have so far are posts after draws and losses, y/n? Maybe school stuff sometimes, but mostly because they're retarded.]]. His lessons are pretty cool too, although I want Mr Choo for Chemistry too, because Mr Choo is awesome.
Mr Choo: WAH LAO EH.
1G06: Or hor Mr Choo, cannot say bad words!
Mr Choo: Wah lao is not a bad word, it means 'my husband'.
1G06: Lololololololololollll your husband?
Mr Choo: No lah I'm not gay.
Not that Alex Teoh isn't good, because he is, but meh. I guess having Mr Choo for SPA will be good enough, y/n?
Oh yeah, and the Sense of Scents talk coming up sounds cool. Though I dunno why everyone keeps saying "Leave a bottle of perfume out in the open". I mean, if it's a nice smelling one, sure, go ahead, but not if it's limited edition or $300 per pop, or both. But mostly cheap perfumes smell, well, cheap. :/
There are also a few Bio talks that we are "encouraged" to go for. They include Embryo cloning, How do embryonic cells develop structures and functions?, Neural crest cells -- a case study on how cellular environment affects differentiation, Discovery of the nerve growth factor -- Story of a Nobel Laurate, and Stem cell Biology -- hope of hype?. I dunno which one(s) to go for. Maybe all of them? But then I'll come of as a kiasu freako. And I'm not very interested in any of them, for that matter. *sigh*
Before I came home, I hung out a bit at 3Truth, and Joan and I were talking about POC and how we had to wear skirts. Joan said that Wei Ling agrees with her that I should wear a dress [[fat hope, unless you get me that black Zara one I had my eye on, or a BCBG one. :D]], and Shi Jie overheard was like, "HAHA she'll never wear one!"
I guess I've changed A LOT since Primary 6. I don't think I would've worn one in P6, but I wear them now. I even wear dresses and heels and I don't THINK I want a huge ass tattoo anymore [[or one at all, for that matter, I'm too fickle and it's going to look stupid at 50]], or a septum. Weird, huh?
Anyways, I think I'm going to look retarded at POC. Not retarded retarded per se, but out of place. My pencil skirt is black and satin and I'm wearing my orange CK heels. :D I can already predict that most of the skirts will be pink or denim or pink AND denim and there will be a lot of pleats and flares. ): But there is NO WAY that I'm going to wear a denim skirt. So there you go. :)
But nehmind, I shall be off to do my wonderous Lit essay and my Physics homework and my Chinese thingie and revise my Math like a good little girl, because I am! :) I shall also wait in anticipation for the shows to be posted on thefashionspot, BECAUSE IT IS COUTURE WEEK! ZOMG AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. :D
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