Saturday, August 2, 2008

"LOL, oh such wonderful quotes, from such a prolific piece of literature."
"A literary quote must be quoted from literature, not campy trash."

from, about Breaking Dawn. Over a hundred comments about how Breaking Dawn suxOrz. And I even laughed along with some of them. D: But then I saw an icon of Christian with the words, "I assult women".


Asshole who thinks that she's better than everybody else just because she reads ~cool and deep bookz THAT SRSLY PWN YOUR FUCKEN LIFE~!!!!!!!! ERGH! I even looked up her profile and 6 out of 7 her icons are dedicated to insulting Christian. The best one says, "Christian Bale is fucking ugly".






If there is anything that my third (!!) viewing of The Dark Knight made me realise, it is that Christian is more than incredibly gorgeous. (And that performance was actually really really really really really good. It was actually pretty darn close to the amazingness of Heath's performance. But anyways.) I don't understand how it's possible for him to get more good looking as he ages. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

But back to the haters. I don't understand their motivation. I think lots of actors are ugly/not attractive, and most of them do asshole-ly stuff, but I don't go around bashing them all the time. Even if you disliked a "celebrity", do you really have to go to such means to bash them? 6/7 icons devoted to calling Christian names. What do you use then, when you don't want to be an asshole with the same old display picture?

And I didn't actually think Breaking Dawn was that bad. Some parts were kind of WTF-worthy, but I thought it was an okay story, all in all. Maybe I'm just a sucker for happy endings.

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