Sunday, October 19, 2008

Birthday post

Now I can finally use Éclat d'Arpège freely and openly without feeling as though I shouldn't have it yet! How long have I been lusting over that fragrance? 10 months? Probably more. I'm happy! Plus I got a baby Monchichi. Super awesome. Beatrice said that she originally intended my present to be tickets to the Kanye West concert, but my dad said that they were too expensive (read: he doesn't dare stand in a mosh pit again. I think the Linkin Park concert permanently scarred him.).

Other than that, I got my favourite mango cake, which was a beautiful yellow colour. Also, give or take a few minutes, my birthday started with Arsenal winning 3-1 over Everton. Bernice, my dad and I were aruging over whose name to get on the jersey (my dad wanted Cesc, Bernice wanted Robin) the whole day, so I said to Bernice, "If Robin scores, we're getting him. If Cesc scores, then Cesc." But then I realised that Clichy is supi-dupi, wunderbar and (whatever the French word is for wonderful), and that Toure is pretty cool as well. I'm decisive, aren't I?

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