Friday, October 17, 2008

Me: Cesc broke his nose, now he's going to be so ugly!
Bernice: Was he good-looking before?

I can only be so cavalier about this now because Cesc can play today. (On that note, I'm very surprised that Robin is fit. I just hope he doesn't do something stupid and seriously injure himself.) I desperately hope I'll be able to watch the match since I won't have access to a proper TV. I guess I'll sneak into a bar/pub or something if I get really desperate. But I hate watching football matches with men.

To Serene:
Haha, thank you for flooding my tagboard, it is way too dead! I don't like commenting on LJ so you're stuck with this, I'm sorry :P Debbie came up with Belindie long before you did! But I don't mind you calling me Belindie C: Obvs. Ronaldo is not God's best gift after bread, that's Lars, Christian Bale and Wentworth Miller! You are such a pervert (sigh) Does that make me a pervert by association? Apparently Rosicky is taking yoga to become fit. Perpertually injured indeed. Hahahahah I don't like the Bel thing, it annoys me a bit. And I don't think it's Belle, I just think they can't spell my name.

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