Friday, March 28, 2008

List of occupations that match well with both your interests and abilities:

Officer, Scientific.
Teacher, Science.

WHUT. Just because I like helping the disadvantaged does not mean that I am good with kids. I think I would be a lotion rubber before I took up a teaching gig. You know, those people backstage at Versace who rub lotion on models *cough*Lars*cough*? Yeah, so kewl~. If I can't be a lotion rubber I'll take being a hair dryer at D&G.

But to be honest, I think being a high fashion editor or a chemist would be totally awesome. :D I suppose chemists don't say "totally awesome" though, so I guess editor it is.

And what the hell is a scientific officer anyways?

We were talking about My Girl in class and it seems that loads of girls love Lee Dong Wook. At least,3 out of 4 of us did... Which is good success rate, I think. Darice let out this long squeal at the mention on him, hurhur.

Cheryl and I were discussing about how you can learn languages from watching enough TV shows, like how Alvona could speak loads of Japanese from watching Inuyasha. And we came to the conclusion that Japanese is a lot easier to pick up than Korean because "Korean has a lot of 'B' sounds and they all sound the same".

I learnt 3 Korean words from listening to over 16 hours of the language. Heh, I am so talented~

I'm going to be super stressed after tomorrow. Chemistry test, History -- Treaty of Versailles structured essay, A and E Math -- co-cordinate geometry, and E.Lit passage based test. AHHHH. I think I'm going to kill myself studying for them. x.x = Belinda dead.


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