Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lust and Lars for life

I think before I start this post I should apologise for the last post. If anyone had taken the time to read through it, it would've been apparent that I switched from being happy to being angry very quickly. Just in case any of you were wondering whether or not I have bipolar disorder, let me just say that I wrote the happy part of the post, posted it, then came back 5 hours later to put in the angry part [[cos I was pissed off by something, duh]]. So no, the mood swing didn't happen in the few minutes it took for me to write the post.

Just wanted to clear that up. :D

Anyways, pictures pictures and more pictures! Whoo hoo babeh!
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Not sure about the pink, but that's exactly how I like my men to dress. *sighs*

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Love the shirt. *smirks*

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Christal is so amusing. :D I think we were talking about corny pick up lines? ILY CHRISTAL. We must go out soon!

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Dancing!Andrew. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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I'm not convinced of Andrew's modelling ability, but he sure is gorgeous. x.x

I've been watching My Girl for the past 4 days or so. I'm only about 2 years slow, I know. ): In my defence I've had the DVD since it came out... I just never got around to watching it, or had any interest in doing so.

So what made me change my mind? Seol Gong Chan/Lee Dong Wook.

I realise this is kind of a worrying trend in the shows that I pick up. Prison Break? I only started watching it because I saw the disc sleeve and though, "Wow, this guy's gorgeous." Brokeback Mountain? Jake Gyllenhaal. And now My Girl. Tsk. I must start watching shows for better reasons, such as their educational value or the beautiful script or the wonderful acting.

The most interesting thing that I've noted while watching the show is that Korean people aren't very much into hugging. I think like the second hug that Gong Chan and Yoo Rin [[if the spelling's weird it's cos I've been watching the show with the Korean audio and the English subtitles]] shared cemented their romantic relationship? It's certainly very different from the Americans and their "Yo, whut up brudda? *manly thump hug*"

The pace of the show was a little slow for me [[I caught myself constantly checking the running time on the DVD player to see how far in the episode we were]], but I prefer faster paced shows anyways. I thought it suited the story though, which is good. I didn't get the last part where Yoo Rin lied to everyone about her posing as the chairman's [[whom Bernice instructs, "You, shut up ar!" and thinks should "roll down the building and die"]] granddaughter, and Bernice said, "You get a 92 average for A.Math and you don't understand this? Crazy."

The Yoo Rin/Gong Chan parts are riduclously cute though. :D

Talking about TV shows, MMAS is having this thing where they have "America" vote for the winner among the remaining 4 of Ronnie, Ben, Holly and Perry. Based on modelling talent, I think Holly should win, but I want Ben to win, even if it just so that everyone will be like "OMG NO BEN SUXZ~" and to see the shock on the judges faces. :D Ben did so awesome on the last photoshoot. MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE AMERICA.

I saw this on Priscilla's blog.

"too many parents worried that their girls will anyhow go and have sex with strangers if they dont pick them up."
... What? Just what? I don't know if it's jealously or personal experience, but this is fucking unacceptable.

"when ppl send their girls to top girl schools.. you can roughly know their mindsets. "
And what would that be? Wanting us to get the best education possible? Gee, I really wonder why my parents did that. I should immediately ask for a transfer to a school that sucks.

"suck this ppl...jack ass.!"
So caring for your child enough to give him or her a lift is a bad thing? Best of all is that practically no one uses the Street 13 roads [[there's one in front and one behind, all leading to the same place]] unless they're from SN, and there are two lanes per direction at the Avenue 2 gate. Some people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

I think there should be some kind of rule that says that people who want to criticise other people for their actions must at least have decent grammar, spelling and sentence structure. It's just disgraceful otherwise.

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