I haven't watched the match [[Fiesta was super duper tiring, more about that later]], but YAY FOR A WIN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN... too long. :/
Let's do the Fiesta/Homecoming Run in chronological order.
I was supposed to run at 1A.M., but then I received an urgent sms at 10P.M. so I rushed down to school to do the run as we were apparently v. short on people. I meet Cheryl Seet there, and we sat around together for like an hour waiting for our turns. The only interesting things that happened were the muffin stealers [[2 little boys who stole like 3 of our muffins, asfdl;kajsfdl;j]], and Cheryl cheering everytime Dr. William Tan cycled past.
We were there from 10.30P.M. to able 1.15A.M.. I only ran for maybe 20 minutes at the start and half a minute near the end. Do the math and tell me how long I sat around for. But Cheryl Seet is more than adequete company, so yay for Cheryl. :D
Oh, and I realised that ILY in Korean is "Sarang Haeyo", so I said it very loudly and this guy turned around to look at me. Hahaha. :D And I thought that loads of Koreans were named Lee Dong ___ 'cos Cheryl was talking about this Lee Dong-something guy and the other Korean actor I know is Lee Dong Wook. Niceee.
After running me, my momma, my papa and my sister [[minus Bernice cos she was sick and had to rest at home]] went to eat. So I reached home at about 2A.M., didn't have enough energy to bathe, and crashed till 7.30A.M..
Yeah, that's five and a half hours of sleep. I wonder why I couldn't stay up to watch the match...
I got up, ate Mcdonalds, and went to watch Freedom Writers [[which is an okay show, by the way, the only thing I have a gripe about is that they made such a big thing about her pearls at the start but nothing happened to them?]], then walked [[!!!!]] to school.
I was supposed to meet Benita and Christal at 8A.M. but I obviously overslept. :X So I met up with Gladys and went to get an iced moccha at The Coffee Bean... which I didn't pay for. I didn't mean not to pay, I was just distracted by talking and getting my cashish back and they just asked for my order and I just didn't pay. :/ I feel kind of bad, but then again someone is sponsoring it and I pay enough for coffee most of the time anyways.
Does that sound way too much like a guilty person trying to convince herself that she is not guilty? Whatever.
That's about all the interesting things that happened that day. The rest of my time was spent skiving off duty and walking around with Wenyi and Gladys and Cheryl, doing Flag Day [[which I am now of the impression that it would be loads easier if you were hot]], and helping out at the stall.
Oh oh, there was this guy who bought two cans of Coke and asked me to put them in his bag for him? Um, who asks that? But since it is a school event and I represent the school, I was nice and did it. :D
Talking about guys, it is amazing the number of male friends/boy friends you see at such events. The Hua Chong boys also came in droves, hahahah. I didn't see any from our class, but I did see Plaster Boy minus his plaster. I was like "0.0 Wah still dare to come huh."
We broke the GWR though! Yay now I can say that I was a part of a record-breaking event! :D Dr William Tan is my new hero. 24 hours non-stop around the track, and there was lighting and thunder at one point.
This post has no pictures, not for the lack of trying, but because Photobucket is being assholey and refuses to let me share the v. gorgeous pictures of Lars and Kevin that I found today. ):
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
List of occupations that match well with both your interests and abilities:
Officer, Scientific.
Teacher, Science.
WHUT. Just because I like helping the disadvantaged does not mean that I am good with kids. I think I would be a lotion rubber before I took up a teaching gig. You know, those people backstage at Versace who rub lotion on models *cough*Lars*cough*? Yeah, so kewl~. If I can't be a lotion rubber I'll take being a hair dryer at D&G.
But to be honest, I think being a high fashion editor or a chemist would be totally awesome. :D I suppose chemists don't say "totally awesome" though, so I guess editor it is.
And what the hell is a scientific officer anyways?
We were talking about My Girl in class and it seems that loads of girls love Lee Dong Wook. At least,3 out of 4 of us did... Which is good success rate, I think. Darice let out this long squeal at the mention on him, hurhur.
Cheryl and I were discussing about how you can learn languages from watching enough TV shows, like how Alvona could speak loads of Japanese from watching Inuyasha. And we came to the conclusion that Japanese is a lot easier to pick up than Korean because "Korean has a lot of 'B' sounds and they all sound the same".
I learnt 3 Korean words from listening to over 16 hours of the language. Heh, I am so talented~
I'm going to be super stressed after tomorrow. Chemistry test, History -- Treaty of Versailles structured essay, A and E Math -- co-cordinate geometry, and E.Lit passage based test. AHHHH. I think I'm going to kill myself studying for them. x.x = Belinda dead.
Officer, Scientific.
Teacher, Science.
WHUT. Just because I like helping the disadvantaged does not mean that I am good with kids. I think I would be a lotion rubber before I took up a teaching gig. You know, those people backstage at Versace who rub lotion on models *cough*Lars*cough*? Yeah, so kewl~. If I can't be a lotion rubber I'll take being a hair dryer at D&G.
But to be honest, I think being a high fashion editor or a chemist would be totally awesome. :D I suppose chemists don't say "totally awesome" though, so I guess editor it is.
And what the hell is a scientific officer anyways?
We were talking about My Girl in class and it seems that loads of girls love Lee Dong Wook. At least,3 out of 4 of us did... Which is good success rate, I think. Darice let out this long squeal at the mention on him, hurhur.
Cheryl and I were discussing about how you can learn languages from watching enough TV shows, like how Alvona could speak loads of Japanese from watching Inuyasha. And we came to the conclusion that Japanese is a lot easier to pick up than Korean because "Korean has a lot of 'B' sounds and they all sound the same".
I learnt 3 Korean words from listening to over 16 hours of the language. Heh, I am so talented~
I'm going to be super stressed after tomorrow. Chemistry test, History -- Treaty of Versailles structured essay, A and E Math -- co-cordinate geometry, and E.Lit passage based test. AHHHH. I think I'm going to kill myself studying for them. x.x = Belinda dead.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My mind is combusting over those two phrases being put next to each other. It's freaking Matthew Williamson! But it is also, sadly, $350. I hate being a poor kid. ): Bernice comforts me by saying that the people who will attend the show are really fake old people [[okay, maybe not THAT old, but old compared to me]] wearing Fendi from 2 seasons ago and carrying a LV Speedy and who speak with fake American-mix-British accents. You know the really horrible ones and they add "totally" and "like" into their sentences every 5 words but sound British on a few words?
Right now, I would probably kill myself if I knew that I was going end up like those people. Or at the very least, migrate to a country that places more emphasis on doing what I like, instead of making a lot a lot of money. It would be horribly disappointing if I ended up doing nothing I liked with my life.
But still, it's MATTHEW WILLIAMSON. Gah. ): Imagine how I would react if Lacroix did a show within travelling distance for me.
3rd place.
What happened to first with a 5 point lead?
And it doesn't help that half the blogs I blog hop to have "YAY MANUTD IN FRONT". So ManUtd is the cool club to like now, huh? Why? Because they won the league, and will probably win it this season? FUCK THAT SHIT.
But then again, the same people who like ManUtd in Singapore are probably the ones who think that CRUMPLER IS THE SHIZ~. So why do I care anyways?
Oh, and just for laughs, I'm sitting next to a ManUtd fan.
I guess I'm just in a crappy mood today. ):
My mind is combusting over those two phrases being put next to each other. It's freaking Matthew Williamson! But it is also, sadly, $350. I hate being a poor kid. ): Bernice comforts me by saying that the people who will attend the show are really fake old people [[okay, maybe not THAT old, but old compared to me]] wearing Fendi from 2 seasons ago and carrying a LV Speedy and who speak with fake American-mix-British accents. You know the really horrible ones and they add "totally" and "like" into their sentences every 5 words but sound British on a few words?
Right now, I would probably kill myself if I knew that I was going end up like those people. Or at the very least, migrate to a country that places more emphasis on doing what I like, instead of making a lot a lot of money. It would be horribly disappointing if I ended up doing nothing I liked with my life.
But still, it's MATTHEW WILLIAMSON. Gah. ): Imagine how I would react if Lacroix did a show within travelling distance for me.
3rd place.
What happened to first with a 5 point lead?
And it doesn't help that half the blogs I blog hop to have "YAY MANUTD IN FRONT". So ManUtd is the cool club to like now, huh? Why? Because they won the league, and will probably win it this season? FUCK THAT SHIT.
But then again, the same people who like ManUtd in Singapore are probably the ones who think that CRUMPLER IS THE SHIZ~. So why do I care anyways?
Oh, and just for laughs, I'm sitting next to a ManUtd fan.
I guess I'm just in a crappy mood today. ):
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Lust and Lars for life
I think before I start this post I should apologise for the last post. If anyone had taken the time to read through it, it would've been apparent that I switched from being happy to being angry very quickly. Just in case any of you were wondering whether or not I have bipolar disorder, let me just say that I wrote the happy part of the post, posted it, then came back 5 hours later to put in the angry part [[cos I was pissed off by something, duh]]. So no, the mood swing didn't happen in the few minutes it took for me to write the post.
Just wanted to clear that up. :D
Anyways, pictures pictures and more pictures! Whoo hoo babeh!

Not sure about the pink, but that's exactly how I like my men to dress. *sighs*

Love the shirt. *smirks*

Christal is so amusing. :D I think we were talking about corny pick up lines? ILY CHRISTAL. We must go out soon!

Dancing!Andrew. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I'm not convinced of Andrew's modelling ability, but he sure is gorgeous. x.x
I've been watching My Girl for the past 4 days or so. I'm only about 2 years slow, I know. ): In my defence I've had the DVD since it came out... I just never got around to watching it, or had any interest in doing so.
So what made me change my mind? Seol Gong Chan/Lee Dong Wook.
I realise this is kind of a worrying trend in the shows that I pick up. Prison Break? I only started watching it because I saw the disc sleeve and though, "Wow, this guy's gorgeous." Brokeback Mountain? Jake Gyllenhaal. And now My Girl. Tsk. I must start watching shows for better reasons, such as their educational value or the beautiful script or the wonderful acting.
The most interesting thing that I've noted while watching the show is that Korean people aren't very much into hugging. I think like the second hug that Gong Chan and Yoo Rin [[if the spelling's weird it's cos I've been watching the show with the Korean audio and the English subtitles]] shared cemented their romantic relationship? It's certainly very different from the Americans and their "Yo, whut up brudda? *manly thump hug*"
The pace of the show was a little slow for me [[I caught myself constantly checking the running time on the DVD player to see how far in the episode we were]], but I prefer faster paced shows anyways. I thought it suited the story though, which is good. I didn't get the last part where Yoo Rin lied to everyone about her posing as the chairman's [[whom Bernice instructs, "You, shut up ar!" and thinks should "roll down the building and die"]] granddaughter, and Bernice said, "You get a 92 average for A.Math and you don't understand this? Crazy."
The Yoo Rin/Gong Chan parts are riduclously cute though. :D
Talking about TV shows, MMAS is having this thing where they have "America" vote for the winner among the remaining 4 of Ronnie, Ben, Holly and Perry. Based on modelling talent, I think Holly should win, but I want Ben to win, even if it just so that everyone will be like "OMG NO BEN SUXZ~" and to see the shock on the judges faces. :D Ben did so awesome on the last photoshoot. MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE AMERICA.
I saw this on Priscilla's blog.
"too many parents worried that their girls will anyhow go and have sex with strangers if they dont pick them up."
... What? Just what? I don't know if it's jealously or personal experience, but this is fucking unacceptable.
"when ppl send their girls to top girl schools.. you can roughly know their mindsets. "
And what would that be? Wanting us to get the best education possible? Gee, I really wonder why my parents did that. I should immediately ask for a transfer to a school that sucks.
"suck this ppl...jack ass.!"
So caring for your child enough to give him or her a lift is a bad thing? Best of all is that practically no one uses the Street 13 roads [[there's one in front and one behind, all leading to the same place]] unless they're from SN, and there are two lanes per direction at the Avenue 2 gate. Some people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
I think there should be some kind of rule that says that people who want to criticise other people for their actions must at least have decent grammar, spelling and sentence structure. It's just disgraceful otherwise.
Just wanted to clear that up. :D
Anyways, pictures pictures and more pictures! Whoo hoo babeh!
Not sure about the pink, but that's exactly how I like my men to dress. *sighs*
Love the shirt. *smirks*
Christal is so amusing. :D I think we were talking about corny pick up lines? ILY CHRISTAL. We must go out soon!
Dancing!Andrew. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
I'm not convinced of Andrew's modelling ability, but he sure is gorgeous. x.x
I've been watching My Girl for the past 4 days or so. I'm only about 2 years slow, I know. ): In my defence I've had the DVD since it came out... I just never got around to watching it, or had any interest in doing so.
So what made me change my mind? Seol Gong Chan/Lee Dong Wook.
I realise this is kind of a worrying trend in the shows that I pick up. Prison Break? I only started watching it because I saw the disc sleeve and though, "Wow, this guy's gorgeous." Brokeback Mountain? Jake Gyllenhaal. And now My Girl. Tsk. I must start watching shows for better reasons, such as their educational value or the beautiful script or the wonderful acting.
The most interesting thing that I've noted while watching the show is that Korean people aren't very much into hugging. I think like the second hug that Gong Chan and Yoo Rin [[if the spelling's weird it's cos I've been watching the show with the Korean audio and the English subtitles]] shared cemented their romantic relationship? It's certainly very different from the Americans and their "Yo, whut up brudda? *manly thump hug*"
The pace of the show was a little slow for me [[I caught myself constantly checking the running time on the DVD player to see how far in the episode we were]], but I prefer faster paced shows anyways. I thought it suited the story though, which is good. I didn't get the last part where Yoo Rin lied to everyone about her posing as the chairman's [[whom Bernice instructs, "You, shut up ar!" and thinks should "roll down the building and die"]] granddaughter, and Bernice said, "You get a 92 average for A.Math and you don't understand this? Crazy."
The Yoo Rin/Gong Chan parts are riduclously cute though. :D
Talking about TV shows, MMAS is having this thing where they have "America" vote for the winner among the remaining 4 of Ronnie, Ben, Holly and Perry. Based on modelling talent, I think Holly should win, but I want Ben to win, even if it just so that everyone will be like "OMG NO BEN SUXZ~" and to see the shock on the judges faces. :D Ben did so awesome on the last photoshoot. MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE AMERICA.
I saw this on Priscilla's blog.
"too many parents worried that their girls will anyhow go and have sex with strangers if they dont pick them up."
... What? Just what? I don't know if it's jealously or personal experience, but this is fucking unacceptable.
"when ppl send their girls to top girl schools.. you can roughly know their mindsets. "
And what would that be? Wanting us to get the best education possible? Gee, I really wonder why my parents did that. I should immediately ask for a transfer to a school that sucks.
"suck this ppl...jack ass.!"
So caring for your child enough to give him or her a lift is a bad thing? Best of all is that practically no one uses the Street 13 roads [[there's one in front and one behind, all leading to the same place]] unless they're from SN, and there are two lanes per direction at the Avenue 2 gate. Some people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
I think there should be some kind of rule that says that people who want to criticise other people for their actions must at least have decent grammar, spelling and sentence structure. It's just disgraceful otherwise.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
One more day of school for this week, whoo!
But this week's been going better than I expected. My Social Studies came back okay, my A.Math wasn't extremely good but it's certainly a big improvement form the 50% I scored on the coursework, English wasn't very good but it's not going to be counted in PPR. So all in all, a pretty good week.
Of course, now that I've said this, I'm probably going to fail the next test I get back.
And today, during recess, Jing was going around saying, "Hey sexy, wanna go out on a hot date?" Hahaha it was particularly amusing because she had a sore throat and sounded like a guy. It's weird when girls sound like guys and guys sound like girls. Bernice and I constantly make fun of someone that she knows that sounds like a guy. It's pretty darn hilarious. Mostly because we do such horrid imitations of low voices.
Talking about voices, I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate listening to Glenn Ong on Class 95FM. The "gooner" voice on 95 my arse. How can you take someone seriously when they've switched from Sp*rs to the Gunners? Huh? Aruge that it's a mistake of youth, whatever, but how sure can we be that he won't suddenly jump on the Man Utd bandwagon if they win the league?
Not only that, he suggested that Clichy, who has made 2 big mistakes this season, be benched, and SENDEROS to replace him.
What the fuck is he on?
Senderos = centre back. Yes, he's doing well at centre back, but read: CENTRE BACK. Not left back, CENTRE BACK. I still remember Blackburn in the FA Cup last season with Phil as a right back. If my memory doesn't fail me, and I don't think it is, we lost 1-0 to a Blackburn goal, which surprisingly, came from the right flank. Hmm... wonder why.
People amaze me to no end.
Oh, and while searching for the Ong-Sp*rs-to-Arsenal thing, I came across this.
Below are the reasons that Jamie is a great football show host.
1) She is hot. I used to think that she couldn't get any hotter when I first met her about eight years ago. How wrong I was. Now at 29, she has matured and blossomed. From a pretty girl next door, Jamie now has sex appeal brought about by her maturity.
2) She looks incredible in an Arsenal jersey. True, she'd look even better in a Spurs one, but you take what you can get.
3) She knows the offside rule. How many women can make that claim?
4) She doesn't watch football and go: 'Ooohh, Cristiano Ronaldo' (followed by a sigh of admiration, and not because of his silky football skills).
I gotta be honest man, the offside rule? Not hard to comprehend. Actually I'm being nice. It's a piece of cake. And there is NO DIFFERENCE in intelligence between a man and a woman. What year are we living in again? Last I checked it was 2008. Not 1938.
Cristiano Ronaldo is not good looking. [[Once again I am being kind.]] I don't get why everyone's like, "Ohemmgee, Ronaldo is SOOOOOOO hawt!" You say beauty in the eye of the beholder. Whatever. I don't always think that this so-and-so person is good-looking, but I mostly can understand how someone can find them attractive. With CryRonaldo...
29 is pretty old. In terms of footballing and modelling as well. [[Actually if you're a 29 year old model, you're ancient history. Andrew is 29, but I think Giorgio Armani and Calvin Klein like him. *shrugs* And guys go on a lot longer than the girls. So whatever man, there are always exceptions to everything.]] And I don't understand how you can find someone who likes a rival team attractive. ESPECIALLY when the team in question are your main rivals. I used to think Jude Law was okay, but since finding out that he supports Sp*rs... ergh.
You know how even wise people have to admit that they're wrong sometimes and they learn and move on? Yeah, I think this calls for it. So here goes. I am wrong about all Arsenal supporters being attractive. Most of them are more attractive than your average non-Arsenal supporter, but some of them, despite being "Gooners", are still very repulsive.
Some pictures to um... whatever you want them to do, I don't know.
This is practically the only polaroid that I could find of Andrew clothed. Not that I'm complaining or anything...

ILY DOLCE. SIRUSLY~. The glasses look really good. Maybe I should wait until next season to change glasses since I can only find these Hugo Boss ones now, which are actually pretty cool, but the sides are horn-rimmed. :/ And not that I have anything against the label or anything, but the SAs at the Hugo Boss in Singapore suck. They'll stand around and dao you unless you're a regular or you're dressed in head to toe in branded goods~. Um, whatever doods. You're working as a sales assistant. If you had any brains or ambition you would be somewhere else.
Tie your shoelace Matt!
I have pictures of guys -- male models, actors, singers, w/e~ -- in my diary. I take great pleasure in looking at it during Chinese lessons. Hahaha okay I kid, I kid. But anyways. There's this picture of this gorgeous Yves Saint Laurent dress on the runway, and my sitting buddy sees it and says, "I didn't know you were into girls as well."
Um. Whut. The picture is about 1/4 the size of the Andrew picture next to it.
Belinda: Hey, wanna be part of the Lars Speak Club?
Bernice: Ye... No, I'd rather be part of the Lars Rap Club.
But this week's been going better than I expected. My Social Studies came back okay, my A.Math wasn't extremely good but it's certainly a big improvement form the 50% I scored on the coursework, English wasn't very good but it's not going to be counted in PPR. So all in all, a pretty good week.
Of course, now that I've said this, I'm probably going to fail the next test I get back.
And today, during recess, Jing was going around saying, "Hey sexy, wanna go out on a hot date?" Hahaha it was particularly amusing because she had a sore throat and sounded like a guy. It's weird when girls sound like guys and guys sound like girls. Bernice and I constantly make fun of someone that she knows that sounds like a guy. It's pretty darn hilarious. Mostly because we do such horrid imitations of low voices.
Talking about voices, I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate listening to Glenn Ong on Class 95FM. The "gooner" voice on 95 my arse. How can you take someone seriously when they've switched from Sp*rs to the Gunners? Huh? Aruge that it's a mistake of youth, whatever, but how sure can we be that he won't suddenly jump on the Man Utd bandwagon if they win the league?
Not only that, he suggested that Clichy, who has made 2 big mistakes this season, be benched, and SENDEROS to replace him.
What the fuck is he on?
Senderos = centre back. Yes, he's doing well at centre back, but read: CENTRE BACK. Not left back, CENTRE BACK. I still remember Blackburn in the FA Cup last season with Phil as a right back. If my memory doesn't fail me, and I don't think it is, we lost 1-0 to a Blackburn goal, which surprisingly, came from the right flank. Hmm... wonder why.
People amaze me to no end.
Oh, and while searching for the Ong-Sp*rs-to-Arsenal thing, I came across this.
Below are the reasons that Jamie is a great football show host.
1) She is hot. I used to think that she couldn't get any hotter when I first met her about eight years ago. How wrong I was. Now at 29, she has matured and blossomed. From a pretty girl next door, Jamie now has sex appeal brought about by her maturity.
2) She looks incredible in an Arsenal jersey. True, she'd look even better in a Spurs one, but you take what you can get.
3) She knows the offside rule. How many women can make that claim?
4) She doesn't watch football and go: 'Ooohh, Cristiano Ronaldo' (followed by a sigh of admiration, and not because of his silky football skills).
I gotta be honest man, the offside rule? Not hard to comprehend. Actually I'm being nice. It's a piece of cake. And there is NO DIFFERENCE in intelligence between a man and a woman. What year are we living in again? Last I checked it was 2008. Not 1938.
Cristiano Ronaldo is not good looking. [[Once again I am being kind.]] I don't get why everyone's like, "Ohemmgee, Ronaldo is SOOOOOOO hawt!" You say beauty in the eye of the beholder. Whatever. I don't always think that this so-and-so person is good-looking, but I mostly can understand how someone can find them attractive. With CryRonaldo...
29 is pretty old. In terms of footballing and modelling as well. [[Actually if you're a 29 year old model, you're ancient history. Andrew is 29, but I think Giorgio Armani and Calvin Klein like him. *shrugs* And guys go on a lot longer than the girls. So whatever man, there are always exceptions to everything.]] And I don't understand how you can find someone who likes a rival team attractive. ESPECIALLY when the team in question are your main rivals. I used to think Jude Law was okay, but since finding out that he supports Sp*rs... ergh.
You know how even wise people have to admit that they're wrong sometimes and they learn and move on? Yeah, I think this calls for it. So here goes. I am wrong about all Arsenal supporters being attractive. Most of them are more attractive than your average non-Arsenal supporter, but some of them, despite being "Gooners", are still very repulsive.
Some pictures to um... whatever you want them to do, I don't know.
ILY DOLCE. SIRUSLY~. The glasses look really good. Maybe I should wait until next season to change glasses since I can only find these Hugo Boss ones now, which are actually pretty cool, but the sides are horn-rimmed. :/ And not that I have anything against the label or anything, but the SAs at the Hugo Boss in Singapore suck. They'll stand around and dao you unless you're a regular or you're dressed in head to toe in branded goods~. Um, whatever doods. You're working as a sales assistant. If you had any brains or ambition you would be somewhere else.
Tie your shoelace Matt!
I have pictures of guys -- male models, actors, singers, w/e~ -- in my diary. I take great pleasure in looking at it during Chinese lessons. Hahaha okay I kid, I kid. But anyways. There's this picture of this gorgeous Yves Saint Laurent dress on the runway, and my sitting buddy sees it and says, "I didn't know you were into girls as well."
Um. Whut. The picture is about 1/4 the size of the Andrew picture next to it.
Belinda: Hey, wanna be part of the Lars Speak Club?
Bernice: Ye... No, I'd rather be part of the Lars Rap Club.
model: andrew stetson,
model: matt benstead,
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Matt Benstead and Chris Pine
The match against Boro was disgusting. Second place, and my dad has so kindly reminded me that we could be third... if Chelsea wins their next game by 5 goals. Which is against Sp*rs, making it quite possible. It goes without say that I hate Sp*rs, but it's different against Chelsea. I mean, Sp*rs winning Chelsea will do us a lot of good in terms of the league table, but then again it's Sp*rs. *gags*
Can they both lose or something?
Matt Benstead!

You know how you always have the first picture which you fall in love with? Yeah, this one was it.


I dunno if it's the lighting or the placement of the hand or whatever, but the model in the suit looks like he's trying to grab Matt's package. x.x

Hipbones. x.x Possibly the sexiest part of the male body. x.x

I think I usually go for the manly-macho-arrogant-sex-on-legs kind, but a boy who looks like Matt is cool with me too. :D
Chris Pine!

He looks kinda old here, but his smile. x.x
Ergh. I need to go back to Orchard and take a pic of that Chris ad before it's taken down. D:

Look at those cheekbones. Guh. x.x

Three guesses as to why I posted the runway pictures. ;)
You know hearing Matt Benstead's voice has kind of changed my mind about hearing Lars's voice. Matt is so cute and adorable and adl;fkjadl;fj... until he opens his mouth. I think the people who know me know that I don't like British accents, but it's not just that, he sounds like his voice hasn't broken yet and he was like "ENGLAND WIN THE WORLD CUP!". Ergh! At least Lars is German and supports a German team. Just as long as it's not Bayern or Schalke. Or else I might just kill myself.
Random ads.

I knew there was a reason why I adored Valentino so much. I mean, apart from the fact that he designs the BEST clothes ever.

This kind of cheered me up for a bit. WE CAN BEAT CHELSEA I KNOW WE CAN. Arsenal > Milan. Milan > Man Utd. Man Utd > Chelsea.
It's just math. :)
But what if your math is wrong?
Can they both lose or something?
Matt Benstead!
You know how you always have the first picture which you fall in love with? Yeah, this one was it.
I dunno if it's the lighting or the placement of the hand or whatever, but the model in the suit looks like he's trying to grab Matt's package. x.x
Hipbones. x.x Possibly the sexiest part of the male body. x.x
I think I usually go for the manly-macho-arrogant-sex-on-legs kind, but a boy who looks like Matt is cool with me too. :D
Chris Pine!
He looks kinda old here, but his smile. x.x
Ergh. I need to go back to Orchard and take a pic of that Chris ad before it's taken down. D:
Look at those cheekbones. Guh. x.x
Three guesses as to why I posted the runway pictures. ;)
You know hearing Matt Benstead's voice has kind of changed my mind about hearing Lars's voice. Matt is so cute and adorable and adl;fkjadl;fj... until he opens his mouth. I think the people who know me know that I don't like British accents, but it's not just that, he sounds like his voice hasn't broken yet and he was like "ENGLAND WIN THE WORLD CUP!". Ergh! At least Lars is German and supports a German team. Just as long as it's not Bayern or Schalke. Or else I might just kill myself.
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I knew there was a reason why I adored Valentino so much. I mean, apart from the fact that he designs the BEST clothes ever.
This kind of cheered me up for a bit. WE CAN BEAT CHELSEA I KNOW WE CAN. Arsenal > Milan. Milan > Man Utd. Man Utd > Chelsea.
It's just math. :)
But what if your math is wrong?
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