Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Toes and Robin!

When I went to Malacca, there was one day where we went to this water amusement park. There was this ride where you slide down this long tunnel in this large float, and when I came out of it, I stabbe my fourth toe on my right foot on some unknown object. I thought it was nothing then so I let it go.

The next morning I wake up and find a small but deep gash on my toe, don't think much of it and place a plaster over it so that I can walk normally. I continue with this practice for 5 days.

Yesterday, I decided that it had healed enough to let it air for one night, so I didn't put a plaster on it. I wake up this morning and there's this huuugggeeeee crusty over the cut and it's throbbing and blackish around the edges. Gross. I stand up and I can't put any weight on it.

It gets so bad that it starts throbbing for no particular reason and I can hardly stand it, so I go to the doctor. She presses on the crusty thing itself to check if there's any object inside. All clear. But by doing this she ruptures the crusty and the pus spills out. Double dosage of gross in a day, ergh. It hurts like crap too. Fantastic.

Then she puts this antibacterial cream on it and places a new plaster over it. It's working wonders right now. My toe isn't throbbing no more but it still hurts when I put weight on it. I have an MC too, excusing me from "strenuous physical activity".

I'm now on antibiotics until Monday. I have chlorohexidine [[which is in pink, much prettier than the horrid blue]] to wash the cut with, and an antibacterial cream. Awesome. \m/

Arsenal v Steaua later! I shall check the TV guide later to see if it's on. Most probably not. But anyways, a screencap from [[you should be able to fill this in yourself now]].
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And some pictures of Robin.
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His leg looks really bow legged here. But yay for Robin coming back! I just hope he doesn't have a set back and get back on the injury list for another 3 or 4 weeks.

Chanel's website is awesome.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This is the dress I was talking about in the meme in the last post! Isn't it gorgeous?

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A normal sane person would say that this is an overload of orange, but this is the most perfect thing ever! Orange and Chanel!

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