Monday, December 10, 2007

Yesterday I went to smell Stella again, and it smells different from what I remembered. D: I don't like it as much as I did. Ergh. It even gave me a small headache. :/ I think I'm going with Young Sexy Lovely, Coco Mademoiselle or Be Delicious.

I saw this pair of Chanel sunglasses. SO MUCH WANT. They're perfect! And Chanel. *sighs* But I'll take the Gucci ones as a cheaper alternative though. When I was looking at the Gucci sunglasses, the SA helped me clean my glasses and change the little paddy things that rest on your nose [[what are they called again?]] for free! :DD

Now that's called service! It's the small things like that that make you wanna get stuff from them, you know? There was this other shop with like a bunch of sunglasses but they're so freaking unhelpful, like they won't even be like, "Oh what are you looking for?" Idiots.

Today I went to City Hall to do my flag for BN. I was supposed to go shopping after that, but they ended at 5.30. At least I got a toffeenut latte.

I just realised that in some watch shop along the way to the Esplanade, they carry Marc by Marc Jacobs! It's a little purple star on a braclet and instead of numbers it has M-A-R-C instead. So pretty! Bernice tells me to only get it if I really want it.

Bernice not going "OMG GET IT GET IT GET IT" for something by her darling MJ? Must be a red flag. Wesley also thinks that it's too expensive. I should listen to them. But just by reconsidering it I must have some reservations about getting it. [[I think this could be attributed to the fact that the watch is from last season. I should go to the MBMJ store in Ngee Ann City. I think they're having an end-of-season sale too...]]

And Zodiac still produces watches. I'm amazed that people actually buy them.

Anyways, here's something that really really really cheered me up.

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I think I might cry from happiness. No, seriously. One down, three more to go. HURRY UP CESC/ALEKS/FLAMS!!!!!!!!!!

I think my posts are getting more boring now that I've stopped frequenting modelhommes as much. I also realise that 2/3 of this post is about shopping. I'm a bimbo. Jing tells me I'm not because "You ain't stupid. Bimbos have to be stupid." Comforting. So if you take away all the academic powress... I think I should just face up to the fact that I'm shallow.

I can only seek help if I think I have a problem. And my problem is that I need to be well read and more cultured. I should start reading Dostoevsky.

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