Mhm, had lunch at this Thai restaurant in Ngee Ann City. Very very very yummy. Good and fast service too. It's next to Coca on the 4th level; everyone go try it! Me and my sister also saw Marc by Marc Jacobs, but gah, expensive-ness. ): I also missed out on the issue of the German GQ with Wenty! ):
My sister got new jeans from Levis, and I very nearly did too, if not for the fact that we were like $4 short. :/ But I bought three CDs, which kind of makes up for it. Taproot sounds like a bad imitation of Tool. I couldn't bring myself to finish the CD. Thank god it was only $10. I also realised that I need to find a new series to watch during the holidays, or else it'll be way too boring; any recommendations? Korean/Japanese/Chinese drama serials are not really my cup of tea.
Whee, I went out with Jing and Debbie to VivoCity. I had the iced caramel macchiato, mhm, yummy-ness. How come everything seems to taste better after the exams? I honestly don't remember Starbucks tasting as good before. And Starbucks >>>>>> all other drinks.
I also watched The Nanny Diaries, which was alright, but kind of predicatable. I think the highlight of the trip was not buying a book or getting the ever yummy Tasty Jacks, but seeing Lars on the Zara ads. Oh my god, that man is beautiful. *sighs* Now I shall patronise Zara, pretending to get clothes for an non-existant boyfriend. :) Oh yeah, and Hermes perfume is like $47. Whee.
But this was also quite amusing.
Heh, this was taken at the Harbour Front MRT station, although there is also one at Dhoby Ghaut. Chelsea had Lampard and Liverpool had Gerrard. And you can see Kasper Schmeichel at the far side in the pic. Robin's mouth = HUGE.
Gilles Rosier backstage. You can see Lars and Jeremy together at 1.08! Hahahaha all my dreams come true. :D And check out Jeremy at 2.00. ♥
Lars Armani cologne ad. adfl;kajfdl;kajdsf;lj *dies* *comes back to watch it again*
Marongiu backstage. James Rousseau has a gorgeous voice. Too bad I don't think he's good looking. And French = sexy. Jeremy speaking French = asdl;fkajdf;lkajsdfl;jadf *dies* There's also Lars in this, which is always a bonus. :)
And just to prettify my blog a bit [[and because I didn't look at the ads at Zara enough]], here is more Lars!
And because everyone likes to see interesting real life pictures, here are some, taken by me.
If you can't tell the dot on the left is a mole, it is. Isn't the smiley just so pretty? And yes, it was drawn by the ever artistic me. :)
I'll probably get killed for posting this picture, but what the hell, here goes. Here are my two sisters camwhoring. Interesting, isn't it?
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