adfl;kajfdsl;kajfd;lkajdf;lkjafdlj DIABY, CESC AND ADE WITH A HAT TRICK!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha that was the most relaxing Arsenal match I've watched this season. Diaby scored a gorgeous long range shot at the 10 minute mark, and Ade doubled the scoreline in the 25th minute. After the break Ade scored from a penalty, and Cesc his 6th in 6 matches! Ade completed his hat trick 11 minutes from time.
Now why can't we win all matches like this? It's really not good for the hearts of us gooners for the boys to be one down after 15 minutes and then score 2 or 3 in the dying moments of the game. But then again, this is Derby. They didn't even remotely look like they were going to score. Ah well.
The commentators for the match were amusing. At Almunia's first save: "Oh this is Almunia's first real test!" At his second save: "Oh his first real save!" And at this third save: "This is the first time Derby's really tested the goalkeeper!" Hahahahaha. Tooties.
I also remember them saying something to the effect of "It's not good that Derby keeps losing the ball to the Arsenal players; they'll get hammered like that. Well actually Arsenal will hammer them even if they don't keep losing the ball to them." Haha what a suprisingly nice thing to hear from commentators.
They were also really amazed when "A Cesc Fabregas cross doesn't meet it's intended target. :OO" What do they expect Cesc to be, a robot? But I guess that's a compliment in itself because if they're amazed that Cesc's cross didn't get to where it was supposed to go, that means that even they realise that 99.99% of the time Cesc sets up the best passes.
Haha I sound really cynical about commentators.
Is it just me, but do Diaby and Diarra sound really similar to you when said one after the other in quick succession? o.0 And on the topic of surnames, I was reading the thread on the Arsenal v Derby match on arsenal-mania and I realise that people post their predicted team line-up like this:
Sagna -- Toure -- Senderos -- Clichy
Walcott -- Fabregas -- Flamini -- Diaby
Adebayor -- Robin
I wonder why, haha.
Cheng Mei posed a really good question with her tag -- why do I like Arsenal? [[/cue long rant]] I guess it started with the WC06. I watched the Germany v Argentina match, and omg, what a thriller it was. The going behind, then the goal in the 80th minute or so, then the penalty shootout; it was just amazing. So from then on I became a fan of football and die Nationalmannschaft, but sadly they got kicked out the following match by Italy. There was only the Germany v Portugal game after that, and then club football started.
Ballack was one of my favourites, because well duh, he's the captain of the Nationalmannschaft, and he moved to Chelsea that summer, so I naturally expected to be a Chelsea follower since we don't get Bundesliga here. [[Yeah thank you so much Starhub. *rolls eyes*]] But the first Chelsea match that I watched -- the Community Shield, I think? -- disgusted me completely. I don't exactly know how to describe it, but it was just like, "Urgh. This team is gross and boring." Or something to that effect.
After that I just stopped watching the matches, but continued "following" them. By "following" I mean reading the newspapers like once and week and looking at the Chelsea results. If I did "watch" the matches, I always did something else while "watching" them. By doing something else I mean like doing Math, which kind of tells you how much I didn't like "watching" the matches.
Then one fateful day, I was looking through the sports channels and I settled on an Arsenal match. I can't remember what match it was, could've been the match against Pompey where we came back from 2 down to draw 2-2, but I just knew that Arsenal was my team. I didn't really start watching all the matches ASAP, but the Arsenal obsession [[yes I've given up long ago trying to call it devotion]] just kind of steamrolled, and well, you see how bad it's gotten. I'm actually typing this huge ass post on Arsenal on a Sunday night, 7 days from an exam! *laughs*
And now to come and think of it, it's quite ironic that I started off by becoming a Nationalmannschaft fan, because now one of my favourite players is Dutch, haha.
[[/end long rant]] Does that answer your question, moomoo? :)
I hope ManUtd and Chelsea draw tonight. I would much prefer it if they could both lose, but meh.
Prison Break is cool. You know why it's cool? Because it teaches you how to break down videos. Me and my sister were testing it out with the Cesc and Robin interview after the Sevilla match. So, according to Prison Break, the folding of arms is a defensive gesture. And that coupled with the slight shift of the eyes to the left and up means that the person is lying. Both Robin and Cesc did that. Hmm, suspicious.
Also, one should watch out for the adam's apple when breaking down a video. But for reasons unknown to us, we could not make out anything going on with their throats. :/ We were also trying to see if either one of them had their shoulders in for emphasis, but then the cameraman wasn't panning out enough for us to see if their shoulders in or not. *sighs*
In conclusion, it is possible for us to arrive at the conclusion that Belinda and Bernice both suck at breaking down videos. D:
But besides that, Prison Break also has the best quotes ever. In the whole universe.
"Are you my dog, Brad?"
"I'm not going in naked!"
"The police are going to find your dead corpse slung over that chair, with your pants around your ankles, because it's been a long time coming."
But my family comes in a very, very close second.
Beatrice: *shows our mom a video of two Baldies kissing on her phone*
Belinda: Omg who filmed that?
Mom: [[who's obviously figured out that it's a product of Beatrice's and someone else's "genius"]] Who's the other sicko?
Bernice: [[who helped with the filming of the video]] :OO I am not a sicko!
Belinda: Hahahaha sure. *snickers*
Bernice: I'm not! I think pure thoughts!
Belinda: So... you're the other sicko who thinks pure thoughts?
Belinda: *while watching Prison Break* I want blue eyes. And a sharp nose.
Bernice: But you're Asian. So you can't have blue eyes and a sharp nose.
Belinda: OMG we all have pancake noses!!!!
Belinda: *goes into room and hears weird noise* Um, what's that?
Bernice: That's the getai from downstairs.
Bernice: *dying of laughter* Haha go and be one then!
Belinda: Then you can come and help me and be my manager! I can wear shirts that say "art on fashion" and horrible stripy pants! Together!!!! Then I can go tell everyone about my fabulous stylist! [[The clothing thing is obviously a referrence to Robin, who has the best fashion sense. Ever.]]
Bernice: *scandalised look* OMG NO!!!!!! I will NOT let anyone wear something as horrible as that!!!!!
Belinda: *continues as though she hasn't said anything* Then we can go tour China! How awesome is that! :DD
Bernice: *at a restaurant, totally out of the blue* I refuse to see anymore of Robin's clothes.
[[Mhm, that restaurant was really good too. I mean, not counting the fact that the cook used so much oil and butter to cook the food. The people around us were idiots though. They were talking in hushed tones and not once did they laugh. What's the point in life if you can't laugh? I think I would rather die than life a life without laughter.
And if you haven't figured it out, Robin's clothes are a constant source of amusement for me and my sister. She absolutely hates whatever he wears, not counting jerseys because we all know that the Arsenal jersey is the most beautiful piece of clothing on Earth, and she thinks that clothes that would be horrible on most other people, like huge coats with fur, are okay on him.]]
Belinda: What would you do if you got wrinkles at 20?
Belinda & Bernice: Botox.
Belinda: What would you do if you started balding?
Bernice: Hair implants.
Bernice: OMG look I got pictures of mummy's two bald spots.
Belinda: Haha omg we should name them.
Bernice: Maybe after the Duggars? That would be enough to name all of the bald spots.
Belinda: Hmm, Joshua. I like. :)
Beatrice: *telling mom her will* Don't take my dogs, don't take my money, don't take my Beard Papa.
Bernice: *after seeing a picture of Robin* OMG a blue polo shirt and white pants. GORGEOUS!!!
Belinda: Look at this other Robin picture [[with another shockingly plain shirt]]!
Bernice: OMG the cat doesn't match the bag!!!!!
Pictures for referrence:
Today at Tian Xia, I picked up a magazine which had the Lars-Armani perfume ad! So pretty, omg! My dad says he has girly lips though. Pfft.
I've got a question for everyone. What's the deal with people laughing whenever I say that 1) I want a bumblebee swimming costume, 2) I want to be a drug dealer, or 3) I want to be a taitai. Bumblebees are the cutest things on Earth! Screw all bumblebee haters!! And a drug dealer is a good profession, at least in terms of money making. It's quite sad that most of them go before 30 though. :/ A taitai is the best ambition ever. Going out shopping everyday, driving around gorgeous cars, wearing nice clothes, toting nice bags, strutting around in fabulous shoes... What's wrong with that?
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